Monday 1 December 2014

Terrible Food Photography: A Celebration

Most of you probably don't realise just how small my apartment is. My 'kitchen' makes the Little Paris Kitchen look like Versailles, and it's difficult to whip up a gourmet feast when your cooking options are limited to one hot plate, a toaster, and a miniature oven. I consequently get very proud when I actually cook something edible, and like to send lots of mundane photos to my bestie with the caption "Look, I made this!". The food's not always bad, but the photography is. Think of all those wonderful artistic food photos you see on Instagram, then look at these ones. I like to think of it as a celebration of bad food and worse photography. The culinary equivalent of un-Photoshopped celebrity pictures, and a reminder of how far you can come with a 10 square metre apartment. Hey, I haven't caught food poisoning yet.

"I bought a toaster today. See burn marks."

"My zeal for mozzarella made my omelette haemorrhage"

"I actually bought some vegetables. I am a grown up."

"I got so excited about making apple crumble that I started eating it before I even took the photo"

"This is not what the Buzzfeed Food picture looked like"

"All of the ingredients came from a can"

The Little Paris Kitchen: your dream, my nightmare.

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